Saturday, March 7, 2009


Ashi Phuntsho Choden was born in 1911 at Wangdue Choling Palace to Chumed Zhalgno Dasho Jamyang of the Tamzhing Choeje family and Ashi Decho, daughter of Ashi Yeshey Choden who was
Female, 18-29, Eastern US 271 Posts: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 10:09:42 PM You got chumed bitch!
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partner and me had unprotected sex few days before she started her periods. soon after that she had her periods and it wasn't as much as she usually does in other words she chumed
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my father in law saw what she was eating, let just say after giving my daughter a diffent snack and schooling my wife about banana's which I don't think she will forget. We chumed
Website do CHUMED - Juiz de Fora Minas Gerais
Chumed bomba na internet Uma das festas de bebida liberada mais esperadas de Juiz de Fora ganha novo hotsite. O Chumed 2009, com data marcada para o próximo dia 03 de março



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