Saturday, March 14, 2009


Furies or Erinyes (Ä"rÄ­n`Ä"-Ä"z), in Greek and Roman religion and mythology, three daughters of Mother Earth, conceived from the blood of Uranus, when Kronos castrated him.
Furies. Three goddesses of vengeance: Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaera (the jealous) and Alecto (constant anger). They were also called the Daughters of the Night
Furies - a web site testing tool SourceForge Project | Browse CVS | Java docs | Example Config File | Changelog | Contact Tim: funkman @
Fury Updates. Welcome to Furies Online - Home of the Forsyth Country Day School Furies. Check here for late-breaking news.
Furies Deck - Item - World of Warcraft
Gr. Myth., Rom. Myth. the three terrible female spirits with snaky hair (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera) who punish the doers of unavenged crimes
The Roman goddess of vengeance. They are equivalent to the Greek Erinyes. The Furies, who are usually characterized as three sisters (Alecto, Tisiphone, and Magaera) are the
Myth Man's Award-winning Homework Help ERINNYES "The Angry Ones" (ROMAN - The Furies, Furiae or Dirae) A Fury, goddess of punishment, shown with a torch,
Women's rugby club. Includes team history, game schedule and information on the annual Ruggerfest invitational tournament.

An american haunting


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