Wednesday, March 18, 2009


so·bri·quet (s br-k, -k t, s br-k, k t) also sou·bri·quet (s br-k, -k t, s br-k, -k t) n. 1. An affectionate or humorous nickname. 2. An assumed name.
Definition of sobriquet from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
sobriquet ( ) also soubriquet ( ) n. An affectionate or humorous nickname. An assumed name. [French, from Old French soubriquet , chuck under the
I fixed a minor (but annoying) bug in the Popularity Contest Widget, as identified by Zer0, and described in this thread. Hopefully now you won’t get the widget title displaying
Converse of object earn: Former chairman Clive Thompson earned the sobriquet Mr 20 % for the regularity with which the company met this earnings target during the nineties.
noun, plural -quets   /-ˌkeɪz,-ˌkɛts,-ˈkeɪz,-ˈkɛts; Fr.-ˈkɛ / Show Spelled Pronunciation [-keyz,-kets,-keyz,-kets; Fr.-ke] Show IPA. a nickname.
Richard Rosalion’s personal blog Well, I’m officially free, now. I’ve finished my undergraduate degrees (Science & Information Systems), and officially graduated!
Quick definitions (sobriquet) ▸ noun: a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name) ▸
I often operate under the perversity principle when writing my dissertation: I write when I don't feel like writing. The logic, of course, is that I rarely want to write it, so I

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